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July 27, 2024      

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Community Garden Installation

The Hopper Commons Community Garden wanted to light up a gathering area to extend it's usefulness into evening hours. They had concerns about the use of traditional bright lights - both due to the harsh light quality and the infrared by product that attracts bugs and other critters. We installed a series of Tri-Cluster's (Model 300) into the beams of the arbor. The total installation uses 8 lights and runs off of two small solar panels that trickle charge a 12 Volt battery.

Great care was taken during the installation to hide and obscure all wiring and power supplies, so that the lights would serve their purpose of providing light at night, but wouldn't be an unwanted addition to the architecture of the arbor and bench area. The pictures below are detail shots of that installation. (Click image to enlarge.)

Arbor and bench installation area.

Detail of Tri-CLuster (Model 300) mounted in beam.

Beam area of installation.
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