We're introducing the next McGizmo LED lights to our site today.
Two new tri-cluster models: the Aluminum "Stubby" and the Aluminum Flushmount. Both use a newer and brighter LED, the 310CS. The Nichia 310CS is a brighter LED with a larger viewing angle (more flood). Where the 312 put out about 1 lumen of light, the 310CS puts out about 2 lumens (at the same input power). These are super light, and the stubby is very compact.
Also new is a High Power LED floor. Also housed in an Aluminum case, this unit comes in two versions -- a wide and a tight flood. The Black Aluminum Tight Flood Fixture comes with a Nichia "083" LED & 350 mA constant current converter. The Black Aluminum Wide Flood Fixture comes with a Cree XR-E LED @ 350 mA constant
current converter. The cool thing about these is that they can be run on a power supply anywhere between 5v and 15v with no dimming. Both units can be seen here.
We'll be adding a few fixtures that will help in installation in the next few days.